Secured Network Services, Inc.

Secured Network Services, Inc.

CONNECTING LOCAL BUSINESSES WITH STATE-OF-THE-ART INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT With the financial and technical assistance from NCIC, Secured Network Services, Inc. (SNS) converted a vacant building in the industrial park in Littleton, NH into a state-of-the-art...
Nature By Design

Nature By Design

Located in a bright yellow house between Barton and Orleans in Vermont, Nature by Design ( is the destination for those who are seeking inspiration and selection for their gardens. And that’s exactly how owner Peter LeBlanc planned it....
Little Dippers Doodle Children’s Center

Little Dippers Doodle Children’s Center

When Little Dippers Doodle Children’s Center, a licensed child care center in East Burke, VT, wanted to expand and relocate its business, owner Betsy Bailey turned to NCIC for funding assistance. The bank would only finance a portion of the construction cost, so NCIC...
NorthWoods Stewardship Center

NorthWoods Stewardship Center

The NorthWoods Stewardship Center in East Charleston, VT provides education, outdoor recreation, research, and conservation programs that connect people and nature. It was founded in 1989 as a small environmental education and youth leadership program and became a...
Water Wheel Restaurant

Water Wheel Restaurant

In the summer, The Water Wheel Breakfast and Gift House is a bustling business with full tables, delicious food, and happy customers. But growth always brings its share of trials. NCIC helped the Water Wheel with its one-on-one Financial Technical Assistance program...